Placement Record

Placement Record

If there is one thing which bothers students is not the training but the placements. Realizing the significance of placements in early years of students, we arrange job interviews with the best of organizations which result into permanent jobs and a bright career!


Cabin Crew

Nayana Patil

Placed : Vistara Airlines

Passenger Service Agent

Simran Ahire

Placed : Indigo Airlines, Hyderabad

Cabin Crew

Raghvendra Sahu

Placed : Mumbai

Cabin Crew

Rajashree Pawar

Placed :  Air India Express, Mumbai

Passenger Service Agent

Sanjivani Phulkar

Placed : Indigo Airlines, Hyderabad

Passenger Service Agent

Asmita Rathod

Placed : GMR, Hyderabad

Customer Service Agent

Aanchal Gawande

Placed : Indigo Airlines, Pune

Passenger Service Agent

Charanya Vadepalli

Placed : Gulf Air, Hyderabad

Passenger Service Agent

Priyanka More

Placed : GMR, Hyderabad

Travel Counsltant

Sohel Shaikh

Placed : Travel XP, Pune